Obrázok-10%PRIJON Seatron GT The Prijon Seatron GT is a medium to high volume multi-day sea kayak for medium to larger paddlers. Stylish, s... €1,619.10Price with TAX€1,799.00
ObrázokPRIJON Seatron GT + extra úložný priestor Štýlový, športový a pohodlný! Zbrusu nový stredný až veľký objemový viacdenný morský kajak pre stredne veľkých... €2,066.00Price with TAX
Obrázok-10%PRIJON Seatron GT + extra úložný priestor The Prijon Seatron GT is a medium to high volume multi-day sea kayak for medium to larger paddlers. Stylish, s... from €1,728.00 Price with TAX€1,920.00
ObrázokNewPRIJON Lavie Our brand-new slim, relatively short sea- and touring kayak for smaller and lighter paddlers with a weight of ... €1,799.00Price with TAX
ObrázokPRIJON SEAYAK 500 LV SEAYAK 500 LV is a sporty and fast kayak for smaller and lighter paddlers. Main characteristics are the slim... from €1,519.00 Price with TAX
ObrázokPRIJON GRIZZLY GRIZZLY je náš nový rýchly bezpečný a skvelý nosič nákladu. Stvorený na dlhé výlety s veľkým množstvom batožin... €1,927.00Price with TAX
Obrázok-10%PRIJON GRIZZLY The GRIZZLY is our fast, safe and a great load carrier. Made for long trips with a lot of luggage. It is fast... from €1,619.10 Price with TAX€1,799.00
ObrázokPRIJON PriLite Marlin The PriLite Marlin is a fast, well-tracking and lightweight seakayak. It’s elegant, stretched lines make it a... €2,448.00Price with TAX
ObrázokPRIJON PriLite Marlin LV The PriLite Marlin LV is a fast, well-tracking and lightweight seakayak. An elegant, fast and robust kayak fo... €2,448.00Price with TAX