ObrázokPRIJON Kornati Carbon ERGO 2-Piece ALLROUND SEAKAYAK AND TOURING PADDLE A well-shaped, light touring paddle with a midsize blade. Distinguished... €535.00Price with TAX
ObrázokINUKSUK Pádlo Carbon Čierna INUKSUK GREENLAND PADDLE Inuksuk is our flag ship in paddles. Handcrafted West Greenland style paddle made in... €444.00Price with TAX
ObrázokNewAQUABOUND Pádlo StingRay Car/Hyb 2 diel. Our most popular blade style for flatwater, the Sting Ray Hybrid offers tight-fitting construction and reliabl... €205.00Price with TAX
ObrázokAQUABOUND Pádlo MantaRay Car/Hyb 2 diel. High-angle horsepower for more control and heavily loaded boats, the Manta Ray Hybrid delivers flutter-free ef... €205.00Price with TAX