Obrázok-20%PRIJON Hydra Fiberglass 2-Piece Lightweight touring- and seakayak paddle for powerful paddlers The large sized blades of the Hydra paddle com... €239.20Price with TAX€299.00
Obrázok-10%PRIJON Seatron GT The Prijon Seatron GT is a medium to high volume multi-day sea kayak for medium to larger paddlers. Stylish, s... €1,619.10Price with TAX€1,799.00
Obrázok-10%PRIJON Seatron GT + extra úložný priestor The Prijon Seatron GT is a medium to high volume multi-day sea kayak for medium to larger paddlers. Stylish, s... from €1,728.00 Price with TAX€1,920.00
Obrázok-10%PRIJON GRIZZLY The GRIZZLY is our fast, safe and a great load carrier. Made for long trips with a lot of luggage. It is fast... from €1,619.10 Price with TAX€1,799.00
Obrázok-10%PRIJON Enduro 450 The ENDURO 450 is an Allround kayak, made for lakes, smaller and bigger rivers with moving and flowing waters ... from €1,277.10 Price with TAX€1,419.00
Obrázok-10%PRIJON Enduro 380 Plavba na kajaku typu RIJON Enduro 380 poskytne nezabudnuteľné skúsenosti pre plavbu na pokojnom jazere, ale a... €1,205.10Price with TAX€1,339.00
Obrázok-10%PRIJON Munga Prvý crossover kajak od Prijonu so Skeg-om! Váš všestranný Prijon kajak! Vyrobený pre pohodový výlet na jazere... €1,577.70Price with TAX€1,753.00
Obrázok-10%PRIJON Pike PRO The new PIKE is a sporty river runner with an enormous fun factor. Thanks to its fast and agile shape, this bo... €1,409.40Price with TAX€1,566.00